Book Editing FAQs

Common Book Editing Questions:

Q. What types of files do you accept?

We only accept manuscripts in Microsoft Word.

Q. Why do I need to use Microsoft Word?

While other programs have similar features, Microsoft Word is the only program that offers the full benefits of the Track Changes program used by our editorial team.

Q. What is a copyedit?

A copyedit is editing that is focused on “surface” issues, such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, and the like. It does not include in-depth changes to the text. Please see the full description of the process here.

Q. What is developmental/content editing?

During developmental (or content) editing, your book editor will offer developmental suggestions and queries to improve the clarity, arc, and soundness of your book’s argument (in the case of nonfiction); and the characterization, dialogue, and plot development (in the case of fiction). Please see the full description of the process here.

Q. Will my book editor review any changes I make to my manuscript?

If you purchase a two-round Comprehensive Edit, your editor will review your revisions as part of the second round of editing. With a one-round Basic Copyedit, your editor will review the manuscript only the one time, and will not be editing any changes you decide to make.

Q. Can my book editor accept/reject changes for me?

No. To ensure that the finished book includes only the text that you, the author, intend to be there, you must accept or reject your editor’s proposed changes.

Q. How long will editing take?

Your edit will be assigned to an editor as soon as possible after you sign up (usually within one business day). The Basic Copyedit will then be completed within 20 business days (about four weeks). If you purchase a Comprehensive Edit, the first round will be completed within 20 business days, and the second will be completed within 10 business days (following your upload of a revised manuscript after your phone conference). Please note that these timeframes are based on manuscripts up to 100,000 words. If your manuscript is longer than that, extra time may be requiredwe’ll let you know your expected due date as soon as we can if this is the case.

Q. How much does it cost to edit a book?

A one-round Basic Copyedit will cost two cents ($0.02) per word. A two-round Comprehensive Edit will cost three and one-half cents ($0.035) per word. To determine your exact cost, please use this calculator.

Q. Do you offer any other book editing services, such as ghostwriting or translation? Can you find me an agent?

At this time, only offers the listed services.

Q. Why can’t I choose my book editor?

Because each of our editors has a different area of expertise, and because their availability can change from day to day, our editorial team will assign the best book editor for your manuscript. If you’re concerned about whether we have an editor who can meet your needs, please contact us through the contact form with any questions.

Q. What can you tell me about your book editors?

All of our editors have been thoroughly vetted and have years of experience working on book-length projects. Many of them have been in the industry for at least ten to fifteen years, and we are constantly evaluating their work (and the feedback we receive from authors) to determine their strengths and how well they are doing.

Q. What types of material do you edit?

Our editors can work on everything from business manuals and academic treatises, all the way to children’s picture books and genre fiction. We do specialize in book-length works, but we are happy to take on shorter works, as well. (Please see the pricing page for minimum pricing requirements.)

Q. I’m an editor. How can I get a job with you?

If you’re interested in working for, please use the contact form on this site to email us and introduce yourself. Once you tell us a little about yourself and your professional experience, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible to discuss whether or not we could be a match.

Q. Do you offer full publishing services?

While offers only Editing services, our sister company, Mill City Press, offers a range of publishing services to help you design, print, distribute, and market your book. For more information, visit